Monday, March 31, 2008


After a long time I'm trying to pen down some thoughts today. I always love writing as it brings me closer to myself, my inner being. It’s tough to lie to yourself and even tougher to window dress your own perceptions. But then that's what effective fiction writing is all about. One needs to get in the psyche of the characters who he is trying to bring to life with words.

I aspire to write with such panache someday. I hope I do. Life has gotten very busy lately, and for good too. Work has been really occupying all this time and learning has been extremely good. But I sometime miss connecting back to my conscience the way I used to do. I'm not a prolific writer or an artist. I have always needed ample amount of time to create any of my compositions or my simple posts here on Thought Garden.

This post is just a reminder to me and my little audience out there that this log is still alive and I'll be back shortly and with much more to offer.
