It’s been some time that I've put up something valuable to the blog. So I'll pick something & just try to generate ideas. Well I’ve been gorging on information for last few days and so ideally I should synthesize a little of it for your consumption. Trust me, I hate being an indoctrinator, but thought garden is all about sowing some seeds & then waiting others to contribute to the thought process.
So I'll talk about this simple idea that I came up with in recent days. I know most of the ideas are often similar to something someone has said before. But then the good part is that you too have started to reach similar conclusions. specially when you find that these ideas are expressed in similar vein by some real prominent figures. I often say that its a great experience to relate with a great mind but greatness still has to be achieved.
So I'll talk about this simple idea that I came up with in recent days. I know most of the ideas are often similar to something someone has said before. But then the good part is that you too have started to reach similar conclusions. specially when you find that these ideas are expressed in similar vein by some real prominent figures. I often say that its a great experience to relate with a great mind but greatness still has to be achieved.
So here is one such thought....
Money follows skills...
Money follows meaning...
Money follows value...
Now the first part is mine... the second is almost derived from Guy Kawasaki's (MD of Garage... a seed capital VC firm in Silicon Valley) speech, "The art of the start" ... quiet a man I must say... then the third line is derived from Richard Feynman (Nobel laureate in Physics and one of the most interesting scientists of all time).
I told u I've been gorging some information & the names suggest that I've been in some good company. Also perhaps it corroborates my ambition to be a scientrepreneur. So let me interlace these thoughts from different spectrum of work & find a common thread between them.
Now the matter... I feel loads of people are just bandwagon followers... they follow a particular trend & then expect to harvest a fortune out of it... most of the times when u get to know about a particular trend happening the curve is almost on a its maximum incline and is now going to become kinda static due to more supply pouring in(just like u getting in the flow now)... so its damn difficult to catch a trend during its formative years... we used to say that IT is hot... then BPO became hot ... and now retail is scorching... we should rather ask what keeps u hot... what ignites u & your passions... rest is a consequence....
Guy Kawasaki says the same regarding forming a company... the company u form shall be formed with the ambition of making a meaning & not to make money... Making money is corollary to the magnitude of your success on the first front of making meaning... adding value to your customer's lives or businesses...
Similarly Feynman says that Nobel doesn't bother him for it was a consequence of what he achieved... the real prize being the achievement itself... that is to have made the discovery of quantum electrodynamics... now don’t expect me to explain that. But ya u can’t design or create to please your contemporaries and everybody. Be your best critique & harshest judge. As I mentioned in my previous post that when u got to create future u can't seek its expectations & answers in the present.
So I'll leave with u these thoughts... munch on them... and do contribute with your suggestions to the forum ... don’t forget thoughts are the atomic units of pleasure.
Money follows skills...
Money follows meaning...
Money follows value...
Now the first part is mine... the second is almost derived from Guy Kawasaki's (MD of Garage... a seed capital VC firm in Silicon Valley) speech, "The art of the start" ... quiet a man I must say... then the third line is derived from Richard Feynman (Nobel laureate in Physics and one of the most interesting scientists of all time).
I told u I've been gorging some information & the names suggest that I've been in some good company. Also perhaps it corroborates my ambition to be a scientrepreneur. So let me interlace these thoughts from different spectrum of work & find a common thread between them.
Now the matter... I feel loads of people are just bandwagon followers... they follow a particular trend & then expect to harvest a fortune out of it... most of the times when u get to know about a particular trend happening the curve is almost on a its maximum incline and is now going to become kinda static due to more supply pouring in(just like u getting in the flow now)... so its damn difficult to catch a trend during its formative years... we used to say that IT is hot... then BPO became hot ... and now retail is scorching... we should rather ask what keeps u hot... what ignites u & your passions... rest is a consequence....
Guy Kawasaki says the same regarding forming a company... the company u form shall be formed with the ambition of making a meaning & not to make money... Making money is corollary to the magnitude of your success on the first front of making meaning... adding value to your customer's lives or businesses...
Similarly Feynman says that Nobel doesn't bother him for it was a consequence of what he achieved... the real prize being the achievement itself... that is to have made the discovery of quantum electrodynamics... now don’t expect me to explain that. But ya u can’t design or create to please your contemporaries and everybody. Be your best critique & harshest judge. As I mentioned in my previous post that when u got to create future u can't seek its expectations & answers in the present.
So I'll leave with u these thoughts... munch on them... and do contribute with your suggestions to the forum ... don’t forget thoughts are the atomic units of pleasure.