Tuesday, April 01, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

I saw "An Inconvenient Truth" by AlGore just 2 days back. AlGore received a Nobel in peace for his initiatives in spreading environmental awareness towards global warming. And I must say that the Nobel was one of the major influences for me to watch this presentation by Mr. AlGore.

I've been largely a skeptic of man as the primary causal agent of Global Warming. I'd read about environmental fundamentalists , magnetic tilt of the planet and other similar theories suggesting that man and his actions are just another brick in the lane. But having seen this presentation by AlGore, I must say that I've changed sides. I would suggest all of you to at least have a look at it.

His primary message to all of us is to be cognizant of the facts related to Global Warming and the dire repercussions it may trigger. What's at stake here? The answer is planet Earth, our “pale blue dot” in the vastness of the universe which encapsulates all our history, victories, philosophies, tragedies and accomplishments. We have an obligation to leave it intact, if not more beautiful, to our future generations.

Another vital message he leaves is that it doesn't require monumental programs to combat the threat, but simple initiatives at human level which can spark a revolution to save our planet. Some of these are:

1. Changing our lights to compact fluorescent ones to conserve energy.
2. Driving less and car-pooling to minimize our usage of fossil fuels.
3. Recycling more and more and more. Using less paper. Taking lesser prints.
4. Checking air pressure in out tires.
5. Using less hot water. It takes a lot of energy to heat water.
6. Avoiding products with lots of packaging, especially with plastics.
7. Adjusting you air-conditioners and thermostats.
8. Planting a tree. A single tree will absorb one ton of CO2 over its lifetime.
9. Turning off electronic devices when you're not using them.
10. Being a part of the solution.

You can find more information on the subject matter at www.ClimateCrisis.net.

Have a beautiful day.


Aditi..............:) said...

We both watched the movie on HBO. Its really uplifting...
Al gore presents it very sentimentally yet practically.....
Btw....where have you vanished....no new post on the blog....whats happening.....well..i guess i know the reason......:)

Aditi..............:) said...

I have tagged you....visit my blog...:)
btw....where in the world are you!!!