Sunday, October 07, 2007

What do I live for?

Let’s start with some of the simplest questions that keep haunting us, perhaps only me, days and nights. Indeed it’s these simple questions which are toughest to answer.

What gives me eternal happiness? What keeps me going? Why do I work where I work? What do I want to become? What’s my greatest passion? What’s my most cherished dream … What do I live for?
Sometimes in our quest for our dreams, we lose sense of what we started this chase for, in the first place. We get entangled in the daily chores of our lives so much that we lose sense of our very existence. We start missing the whole picture, trying to figure out our role in this mosaic of life. The other day I too was facing all these dilemmas. And I just scribbled these lines to challenge my deepest desires. I admit that sometimes I take myself too seriously. But in the course of my small life I’ve learnt one of my biggest lessons, "One shouldn't take oneself too seriously, sometimes." Trust me, it helps.

So here are a few replies from my conscience to the questions I posed. I don’t claim to have a panacea here for all the world’s troubles. These are neither complete nor exhaustive. After all, I’m still a work in progress. So I welcome all of you to add to the "Thought Garden" with your seeds too. But don’t forget to keep it simple.

Mann’s simple rules for a happy life:

- to have someone to love you back with the same intensity that you do & to see her happy
- to see your children admire & love you and regard you as your first heroes in life
- to see your parents contented in your growth and taking pride in you
- to see your siblings loving you without any bias & caring for you
- to see your friends trusting you & confiding in you
- to see your partners & colleagues believing in you & challenging you regularly

I hope these words touched a chord. Now its your turn to seed some thoughts back to the garden. Stay beautiful. Auvoir


abis. said...

cool! these rules are not simple rules... universal rules rather! really appreciate it as i share similar thoughts... will comment again if any rule strikes my mind!

Aditi..............:) said...

hmmmm......very thoughtful.And you havent just scribbled as you said you have i guess paused and synchronised your thoughts and then displayed them.....thats a lovely piece!
loved it...i completely agree .....actually they are my rules too:)

kul said...

The Rules are beautifully crafted and put on the table, as if this stakeholder and this solution...Magnificent...