Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rat Race

You wake up in the morning, get ready & commute to work. You come back late at night, spend some time with family and you're back to work the next day. Work takes maximum amount of your time and in return you get salary for it. You get so dependent over the time to this salary, that you can't imagine risking it for any other thing. You start learning how to grow in your JOB, how to become a manager one day, how to grow your annual income so that you can buy a fancier car, house or any other gizmo. And then you get a baby, those little cuties that will now start its claims on your income in an exponential manner. Did it ever occur to you that you are running an endless race?

Let me call this a rat race. Did you imagine growing up to be rat like this who keeps chasing salaries at the end of every month for his sustenance? I certainly did not. I expected and still do that any man who is competent enough should have enough time at his disposal for all his pleasures; like spending time with your loved ones, kids, hobbies, movies, games and what not. Ahhh I know some of you will say well work is worship. Well don't read ahead if you're one of the work worshippers. I have better things to worship.

So let me unravel this simple formula to get out of this rat race.

If Your Monthly Income < Your Monthly Passive Income, you're in the rat race.

But if, your Monthly Income > Your Monthly Passive Income, tadaaa you're out of the rat race.

Once you're out of the rat race, you are a free bird. No more getting tied to your work like a donkey. NO more commuting to your office like a herd of sheep. No more accepting all the twits (read management) in your office. You are now a man who can be himself. You are liberated. And I truly believe that now onwards you will be more effective in everything you do, your boring job too if you still wanna do it. Or who knows you might one of those blessed ones, who truly love their jobs.

Let me demystify this further with a simple example. Say your monthly expenses are 50K, so all you need to achieve first to get out of rat race is to generate 50K in passive income. Now you can make this with rents from property, dividends and interests from stocks and bonds, or best of all positive Cashflow from your won business. I know it's a tough call, but just imagine the results. I personally have decided to be out of rat race by Dec 2011.

I'll be posting another blog on the subject of Cashflow very soon. So let's race to hit the escape velocity…….

Happy Reading till next post.

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